
Some of our outstanding graduates

Learn more about these outstanding graduates.

Rafi Pezo Acosta

“我不仅在学业上有所成长,对自己的职业道路更有信心,而且我也经历了重大的个人成长. 我学会了有意识地寻求我的基督教信仰,更多地相信上帝.”

Lou Bridges

“Dr. Hughes's class, Game of Life: WWII, made me fall in love with historical research and writing, and Dr. Walter's class, Women and Gender in Islam, made me fall in love with Middle Eastern and Islamic history.”

Erin Carty

“While at SPU I've grown more confident in myself and in my work. 我现在对自己的表现和职业道德有信心,可以毫无压力地接受新的任务和经历.”

Carrie Cox

“My advice is to take advantage of every opportunity here on campus, 即使你不认为你能得到实习和研究经历,也要经常申请. 在我的本科生涯中,我最美好的经历之一是在日内瓦的欧洲核子研究组织(CERN)做暑期学生, Switzerland…When I applied, I thought I had almost no chance of being accepted to the program, 但我还是申请了,并最终获得了一段改变人生的经历,这对我申请研究生院也很有帮助.”

Gloria Diehl

“SPU has provided me with experiences that have strengthened my leadership, expanded my community, 并使我更加明白,赌博十大靠谱软件作为基督的身体,蒙召要像神一样去爱.”

Estefania Velazquez Franco

“Here at SPU, we don’t just learn about management, finance, and marketing; we also focus on how to lead with integrity, make ethical decisions, and contribute positively to society.”

Samuel Gibbon

“I have experienced tremendous growth during my time at SPU. Entering school during the pandemic, moving away from my hometown, navigating my mental health journey, deepening my faith, 上帝赐予我的友谊都是重要的里程碑.”

Jenna Gillam

“I have grown in so many different ways! 也许最大的收获是在个人和专业层面上对自己更加自信.”

Marco Gutierrez


Brianna Ingram

“在与我所在领域的专业人士建立联系和沟通方面,我的舒适度明显提高了. 它确实有助于利用校园资源和参加旨在帮助学生练习英语的活动.”

Samantha Jacobson

“对我影响最大的教授是我的本科指导老师和研究实验室主任. Mícheál Roe, and my doctoral advisor and research lab director, Dr. Keyne Law. 他们都是我非凡的导师,帮助我在对心理科学的热情中成长.”

Lauryn Keith

“My most impactful professor has been Dr. 特蕾西·德尔加多,因为她让我像医学专家一样思考,教会了我很多实验室技术, while also inspiring me with her life experience and values. Look out for her upcoming salmon paper that I was able to TA for!”

Azhar Kimange

“I grew in my programming skills, confidence, public speaking, and then broke into entrepreneurship to start my very own start-up. 在Rachel Goodrich等人的大力支持下,我和SPU的工作人员以及国际学生服务中心的工作人员走得越来越近.”

Parker Landon

“我在SPU的时间鼓励我以远远超出专业学习的方式成长. 我所接受的文科教育激发了我对一系列学科的兴奋和好奇心. I've grown more confident, analytical, and well-rounded in my thinking, and I've made considerable strides towards my personal goals.”

Kaitlyn Liu

“As a pre-med student, I originally was only interested in my STEM classes, but after taking an ethics class, I became more interested in philosophy and the humanities in general. So, I decided to minor in cultural anthropology and philosophy.”

Rocky Marks

“I was at SPU during hard times in my life and good ones… So, my personal growth has happened not only in the big impactful moments, 对孩子们也一样——在西雅图州立大学的日常学习经历. SPU和我的教授、顾问和导师给我的技能是无价的.”

Joel Martin

“The (Baja SAESPU的团队为我的事业成功铺平了道路,我将永远心怀感激,感谢SPU为我提供的这一点,以及作为一名工程师和领导者成长和发展的许多其他机会.”

Rayna Martin

“在我未来的职业生涯中,最让我兴奋的是投入到社区建设中去! If there's one thing I've learned in my time at SPU, it's that belonging is made up of a family built on good leadership.”

Stephanie Menegon

“我在西雅图州立大学的经历教会了我,对自己的能力不要有任何限制,要拥抱尽可能多的机会……今天的我是我的教授们的结晶, friends, and family who continue to support me, teach me many lessons, and most importantly let me grow in my own unique way.”

Esther Mutesi

“在好的赌博软件推荐的经历让我明白了社区的重要性,尤其是在困难时期. 我学会了批判性地思考,从全局的角度看待事物.”

Zach Nacke

“SPU has taught me to care about not just my life, but the people near and far from me, and teaching everyone the many wonders of living.”

Naide Perez

“在斯坦福大学期间,我在个人和学术上都经历了显著的成长. 通过实习和社区服务的实践经验提高了我的技能,并加强了我对倡导边缘化社区的承诺.”

Rae Perez

“My growth at this institution has been made possible by professors like Dr. Jennifer McFarlane Harris, Dr. Matthew Bellinger, and Dr. Amy Robertson, who allowed me to be a full person and not just a student, giving me the support and empowerment I needed to endure dire circumstances.”

Rabi Pervez

“我记得大三的时候,我在寻找与自己的目标和兴趣相一致的不同专业选择, still unclear at that time, nevertheless, the Social Justice and Cultural Studies program caught my attention.”

Krysta Reese

“By appreciating the complex interconnections of our natural world, 我也意识到我对社区的热情之间存在着复杂的交集, science, teaching, and service at the individual level.”

Alessandro Rizzi

“SPU has provided me with a holistic education. 这种全面的方法不仅塑造了我的思维和解决问题的能力,也影响了我如何驾驭我的个人和职业生活. 我把这种成长很大程度上归功于我在斯坦福大学的经历以及我在这条路上遇到的人.”

Doug Russell

“I started my college journey in 1993, attending SPU full time from 1998-2000, finally finishing my degree in 2023. I am well into my career and do have SPU to thank for that.”

Lance Sarquilla

“I think the questions, dreams, 赌博十大靠谱软件带到课堂上的独特经历让赌博十大靠谱软件的大学经历变得有价值.”

Kyra Skipworth

“通过我的教授和他们对我的期望,我看到了我的信心的增加. I am doing things this year, such as student teaching and taking big risks, that I never could have imagined myself doing my first year of college.”

Owen Smith

“My time at SPU and on the Baja SAE 在我离开的时候,团队让我成长为一个全面、熟练、自信的工程师.”

Katie Taggart

“I am coming out of my college career more confident in myself, my talents, and my future than I could have ever imagined. 我非常感谢在好的赌博软件推荐的这些年里,我得到了无数的成长机会.”

Maria Weya

“I have grown a lot during my time at SPU. SPU has impacted my personal, academic, and spiritual growth.”

Final projects by our graduates

SPU Honors logo

荣誉课程是一个加速替代常规通识教育为求知欲和上进心的学生在框架问题的指导下, “What does it mean to be human?” Here are this year’s graduates research projects.

Four models posing at the 2024 MODE Fashion Show

服装设计和商品销售专业的应届毕业生展示了他们独特的设计. Designers: Katie Taggart, Malaejah Smith, Jennifer Le, Natalie Hodge, Jady Alonso, and Jaclyn Paterson. Stylists: Mackenzie Swenson, Stephanie Menegon, and Evelyn Shim.


This exhibit featured a dynamic collection of paintings, 每个都通过新兴艺术家的镜头提供了对世界的独特视角 Chloe Christopher, Alfie Riley, Seorin Park, and Kade Franco.

Interior Design 2023 cohort on the steps of Peterson Hall

Featuring the work of interior design graduates Noelia Bravo-Alejandrez, John D’Agostino, Karen Fiorenza, Fabiola Lucatero Huato, Danny Le, Hadiya McCallum, Emily Pablo, Quynh Pham, Sita Poudyl, Emily Thomas, and Natalie Vargasin.

Earthly Bodies

Featuring works by Kati Chau, Macs Herdrich, and Madi Stephens, this exhibit presented a range of material approaches including photography, sculpture, video, and textiles to explore the spiritual connection that exists between bodies.

Mosaic Viscom 2024

Featuring design work by 艾琳·卡蒂、米奇·弗洛雷斯-尼夫斯、查理·希尔、格蕾丝·霍恩、布里安娜·英格拉姆、科尔·约翰逊、格洛丽亚·李、 and Sophia Ochs.

Incoming Emeriti Faculty

Elena Brezynski
Elena M.V. Brezynski, PhD

Associate Professor of Biology

12 years of service

Christine Chaney
Christine Chaney, PhD

Professor of English; Director of Honors Program

30 years of service

David Diekema
David Diekema, PhD

Associate Professor of Sociology

32 years of service

Cher Edwards
Cher Edwards, PhD

Professor of Counselor Education

23 years of service

Randy Franz
Randal Franz, PhD

Professor of Management

33 years of service

Greg Fritzberg
Greg Fritzberg, PhD

Professor of Education

23 years of service

Daniela Gheleva
Daniela Gheleva, PhD

Associate Professor of Food and Nutrition; Director of the SPU Community Kitchen Program; Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

18 years of service

Richard Lorig, MFA
Richard Lorig, MFA

Professor of Theatre; Head of Design

10 years of service

Patrick McDonald
Patrick McDonald, PhD

Professor of Philosophy

22 years of service

Amy Mezulis
Amy Mezulis, PhD

Chair and Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology

17 years of service

Katya Nemtchynova
Katya Nemtchinova, PhD

Professor of Linguistics

26 years of service

Cindy Price
Cynthia Price, PhD

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor of Sociology

31 years

Daniel Schofield
Daniel Schofield, PhD

Professor of Chemistry

13 years of service

Lane Seeley
Lane Seeley, PhD

Professor and Chair of Physics

22 years

Karen Snedker
Karen Snedker, PhD

Professor of Sociology

18 years of service

Seattle Pacific University, Engaging the Culture, Changing the World

3307 3rd Ave West, Seattle WA 98119

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